About wonders
This author has not written his bio yet.
But we are proud to say that wonders contributed 4 entries already.
Entries by wonders
Mill7 version 7.5J.2 released
11 May 2017 in updates /by wondersPrices and Rates 2017
30 November 2016 in Pricing /by wondersAccording the CBS index the 2017 prices are updated: Support and updates: 18 % Hourly fee: € 123,- Global fees are updated.
3rd-party integration
25 September 2015 in new development /by wondersMill7 creates software for Trust offices to carry out the daily tasks like internal and client accounting, time registration, invoicing and managing client information.
van Hemessenkade 43
2481 BJ Woubrugge
The Netherlands
+31 (0)172 408 172